張執中 教授(人文社會學院院長/公事碩士班)
Professor Dr. Chih-Chung, Chang
- Education:國立政治大學東亞研究所法學博士
- Specialty Field:Globalization and Regional Development、Cross-Strait Relations and Policy、Negotiation and Communication、Chinese Studies、Public Administration
- Office:A664/B119 Tel: 03-3412500 ext. 6231/ext. 4001
- E-mail: cczhung@mail.knu.edu.tw
- Office hours:111-1
- Experience :張執中著作目錄(202310)-2
曹瑞泰 副教授(公事碩士班)
Associate Prof. Dr. Ruey-Tai, Tsao
- Education:日本國立新潟大學現代社會文化研究所(法政組)博士、廈門大學文學博士、中國政法大學法學博士
- Specialty Field:Japanese Studies、Crisis Management、Northeast Asian Studies、Chinese & Japanese、Ethnic Legal System and Policy、Sociocultural Governance
- Office:A726 Tel: 03-3412500 ext. 6102
- E-mail: rueytai@mail.knu.edu.tw
- Office hours:111-1
- Experience :曹瑞泰副教授歷年著作2022.pdf
陳啟清 副教授(公管碩專班/執行長)
Associate Prof. Dr. Chii-Ching, Chen
- Education:國立政治大學博士
- Specialty Field:Politics、State Theory、Democratic Governance、Globalization and Localization、International Friendly Environment、Food and Agriculture Education
- Office:A613 Tel:03-3412500 ext. 6180
- E-mail:ccchen@mail.knu.edu.tw
- Office hours:111-1
- Experience :陳啟清副教授歷年著作.pdf
陳文甲 副教授(公管碩專班/董事會主任祕書)
Associate Prof. Dr. CHEN WEN-CHIA
- Education:日本大阪商業大學地域政策學研究所博士
- Specialty Field:Regional Policy Research、Asia Pacific Regional Studies、Japanese Political and Economic Studies、International Business Studies
- Office:A747 Tel:03-3412500 ext. 3302
- E-mail:twjptw@gmail.com
- Office hours:111-1
- Experience :《亞太區域經濟合作之政經分析(Political and Economic Analysis of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)》 台北:五南圖書,2018/11。
林月珠 副教授(法律碩專班)
Associate Prof. Dr. Yeuh-Ju(Judy)Lin
- Education:美國密蘇里大學哥倫比亞校區消費者家庭經濟(個人投資理財)博士
- Specialty Field:Commercial Law、Tax Law、Financial Accounting、Auditing、Investment、Corporate Governance
- Office: A742 Tel: 03-3412500 ext. 6129
- E-mail: judylin@mail.knu.edu.tw
- Office hours:111-1
- Experience :林月珠著作目錄一覽表
陳姿菁 副教授(應用語言碩士班)
Associate Prof. Dr. CHEN Tzu-ching
- Education:PhD in Humanities, Graduate School of International Japanese Studies, Ochanomizu University, Japan
- Specialty Field:Japanese teaching theory, speech analysis, Chinese teaching
- Office:B960 Tel: 03-3412500 ext. 7960
- E-mail:tcchen@gapps.knu.edu.tw
- Office hours:專任教師留校時間
- Experience :經歷著作
劉雪蕊 副教授(應用語言碩士班)
Associate Prof. Dr. Liu, Hsueh-Jui
- Education:PhD in Practical Linguistics, University of Newcastle, UK
- Specialty Field:Second language acquisition, English teaching, computer/technology-assisted foreign language learning
- Office:A610 Tel: 03-3412500 ext. 6177
- E-mail:sarah.hjliu@yahoo.co.uk
- Office hours:專任教師留校時間
- Experience :歷年著作